You may recall the reason why I chose the name “Unconventional Wisdom” for this column — it was because I had long ago tired of assumptions mistaken for presumptions that so often arise in the collector-car world. Usually the province of the “always/never” crowd, conventional wisdom most often leads to […]
Unconventional Wisdom
Finding Perspective Through Your Passion
The past few months have given me, as they have to many others, time to reflect on what is truly important and meaningful in my life — and the way I interact with the community of the world. That’s sort of a grand statement, but it actually brings home to […]
Color Madness
I named this column “Unconventional Wisdom” for a specific reason. So often through the years, I have been involved in situations in which statements were made that were considered absolute by the speaker. “They never did that.” Or its inevitable twin, “They always did that.” The topics that engender these absolutes can wildly vary, but […]
Making Connections from a Distance
By all accounts, Dean S. Edmonds Jr. was quite a man. Briefly summarized, he earned his Ph.D. at MIT in 1958 for work on the cesium atomic clock, following his U.S. Army service from 1943 to 1947. He was a professor of physics at Boston University for 30 years until […]
Incredible India
I have always connected to the world of cars with a passion and level of enthusiasm that was sometimes embarrassing. I recall occasions as a child when I felt that no one else was moved as deeply as I was when I saw a car that excited me. I recently participated […]
Mission Almost Impossible — But Delightful
It is always interesting to judge a concours — and sometimes new challenges arise. Most judging assignments are made based on the expertise and interests of the judge, but sometimes it’s necessary to stretch your limits. This is not a bad thing, as anyone who doesn’t want to learn more […]